ESIC Hospital, Basaidarapur




The Department of Homeopathy as a Permanent unit started on 18 May 2010.

The journey of Homeopathy from OPD services for IPs has now grown and expanded the establishment of a Central Store for the procurement of medicines.

 The department provides the following services:


  1. Patient consultation for insured persons and their dependants, referred patients from other and Hospital indoor ward patients in OPD daily – Monday to Saturday.
  2. Consultations services are provided to Insured persons and their families from all North Zone including Haryana and U.P.
  3. Provision of Pharmacy- All the prescribed medicines are dispensed in the OPD itself.
  4. Laboratory investigations along with dietary, mental, and emotional health counseling are given as required.
  5. Central Store Homeopathy for procurement of Homeopathy Medicines for Basaidarapur Hospital and five dispensaries including NIA 1, Jwalapuri, Inderlok, Dwarka, and Mayapuri 1.
  6. Special case clinics for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Migraine, Renal calculi, and Gastric disorders are attended throughout OPD hours.


Head of Homeopathy Department: Dr. MansiBhagat

Location of Services : Second Floor in OPD Block of MS Building


Last updated / Reviewed : 2022-10-18



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