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S.No. Name of Office Subject Console Sl. No.
11 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi 11106-2022, PPO Processing-Pensioners Data Migration Process in ERP Module -reg size:(422.96 KB) .
12 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi 11073-2022, Request by Nodal Officers for waiver of Condition of furnishing Performance Bank guarantee by Private Hospitals-labs for empanelment under ESIC for cashless CGHS treatment to pensioner of ESIC under ESIC PMS, 2006 -REG size:(1,000.49 KB) .
13 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi 10854-2022, Issue of Sanction Memo Disallowance Memo for processing of medical reimbursement bills to member ESIC Pensioners under ESIC-PMS-2006 -reg size:(157.72 KB) .
14 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi 10813-2022, Adoption of CGHS Order for availability of medical treatment to pensioners of ESIC under Revised guidelines of ESIC PMS,2006. size:(1.72 MB) .
15 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi 10129-2022, Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government Pensioners-family pensioners-Revised rate effective from 01.01.2022 –reg. size:(161.82 KB) .
10129-2022, Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government Pensioners-family pensioners-Revised rate effective from 01.01.2022 –reg. size:(994.33 KB) .
16 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi 9849-2022, Uniformity in Medical Cards in respect of all Pensioners-ESIC Employees of ESIC- Supply of 3-D holograms. size:(734.46 KB) .
17 ESIC Hqrs, New Delhi 9712-2022, Intimation of purchase of Local Purchase medicines for IP - pensioner - beneficaries-reg. size:(376.26 KB) .
18 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi 9569-2022, Revised guidelines relating to implementation of ESIC Pensioner Medical Scheme-2006- Clarification with regard to settlement of bills and appointment of the Nodal Officers by R.O. Delhi in Respect of empanelled hospital size:(1.59 MB) .
19 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi 9547-2022, कर्मचारी राज्य बीमा निगम के सभी पेन्सनर-कर्मचारियों के संबंध मे चिकित्सा कार्ड मे एकरूपता के संबंध में । size:(478.99 KB) .
Uniformity in Medical Cards in respect of all Pensioner/ Employees of ESIC size:(511.21 KB) .
कर्मचारी राज्य बीमा निगम के सभी पेन्सनर/कर्मचारियों के संबंध मे चिकित्सा कार्ड मे एकरूपता के संबंध में- Uniformity in Medical Cards in respect of all Pensioner/ Employees of ESIC- sample size:(904.53 KB) .
20 ESIC, Hqrs, New Delhi 9383-2022, Preventive measures to contain the spread of Noval Coronavirus COVID-19 – suspension of biometric attendance regarding size:(806.76 KB) .

Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-06-27



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